Marketing campaigns at In-Situ generally centered around product launches or specific applications such as remote water monitoring. It was my job to collect essential information from company SMEs and share that out to the marketing team along with messaging and campaign details. Here are a few examples.

U.K. Environment Act Campaign

“To position In-Situ in the UK market as a viable alternative to Xylem and an ideal partner able to provide decision-quality data and outstanding service and support to system integrators and water companies working to meet 2021 Environment Act storm-overflow monitoring requirements.”

Cloud Connection Campaign

“The VuSitu HydroVu Cloud Connection makes it possible for users to upload data logs, calibration reports, snapshot daily files and low-flow reports from the VuSitu app to the HydroVu data services platform. This has been a long-standing development goal for the app and, with its debut, we can improve the VuSitu and HydroVu user experience and offer functionality none of our competitors have.”